Are you brave enough to take a step towards a life that fits you?2 minuten leestijd

“But Peter, I don’t know what I want to do,” I often hear people say. Indeed, the statement about being courageous initially means for me that you can wait a long time for a better life without taking action. But what’s at least as important: having the courage to live a life that suits you.

For years, I didn’t know where I wanted to go, except for what I thought was fun and would make me happy. But that turned out not to be a sustainable ‘solution’.

I was doing a lot of what I loved… or so I thought. My definition of ‘loving’ something was “I’ve done this before and it was nice, so more of that!” That sounds logical, but it was quite a childish logic. I kept sticking to the known recipes, the so-called ‘certainties’, and didn’t explore anymore. To the point of boredom! Because many of those things started to become boring.

Knowing where I want to go nowadays is no longer about doing certain activities that were once a certainty to make me happy. For me, it’s about discovering while walking the path. And having the courage to face obstacles that I will inevitably encounter (it’s not a typo ;)).

So I step into uncertainties much more often and (!) in a certain direction. It’s definitely not just random steps I’m taking. I step where my personal signposts point me: my values (not those of society, my upbringing), I use my talents along the way (what I’m good at or what I let flourish), and my personal mission.

I notice that many people do not have these compasses in their lives and have just stepped in somewhere by chance. That can work out well, of course. But do you want to leave it all to chance?

Daring to take a step, even when it’s difficult and in a different direction than what you’re used to, is pretty exciting. But how many opportunities arise along the way!

Being brave means knowing that it’s difficult, but also exploring beyond the certainties you have installed in your life.

P.S. Exploring your values, talents, and mission is also something I cover in my coaching sessions. To then take action with it, of course!”
For those who want to do it themselves: you can find countless books and tools on the internet about this. I’ve created a workbook about values myself. You can download it here and get started: Self-coaching guide – I live a valuable life.: Zelfcoaching gids – Ik leef een waardenvol leven.