The heart of change lies within.1 minuten leestijd
You hear it everywhere. But what does it really mean? Everything started to change for me when I began to examine my reaction to the circumstances instead of wanting to change the circumstances themselves, because they ‘felt’ like they weren’t what I wanted them to be. And that habit of looking at the circumstances first instead of my reaction to those circumstances is so ingrained that I still occasionally (un)consciously fall into that trap. The great fire of emotions that…
Peter, I’m looking for a balance between my job and my personal life.2 minuten leestijd
Tired of searching for balance? What if I told you that life isn’t a scale, but a rollercoaster?
Are you brave enough to take a step towards a life that fits you?2 minuten leestijd
Many people don’t know what they want. They stick to old habits and are afraid to tread new paths. But being brave means daring to step into the unknown, even if it’s exciting. By discovering your values, talents, and mission, you can find direction and chart your own course.